Friday 6 June 2008

Phones, Guitars and Egyptology

Been a few days since my last blog so I decided to write a new one. This one will be a little different to my previous ones.

So whats been happening these past few days i've been quiet? Well 1. I've been waiting and then setting up my new phone which is exceptionally good by the way. The only problem is it doesn't have the Blogger software on it like I was promised but aprt from that its an amazing piece of kit. 2. Been playing alot of guitar. 3. Been learing ancient egyptian. Bit of a useless skill really but who cares. Maybe it will lead on to me doing Egyptology at Uni. Wouldn't mind that actually. 4. Also been looking for a new job.

Wasn't the most exciting blog but just thought i'd update you all.

Party tomorow so i'm looking forward to that ang right now i'm eating a lovely white chocolate magnum. mmmmmmmm!!!

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