Monday 27 October 2008

"Baaaa" went the human...

I feel like I'm living in a movie. One of the Star Wars movies to be exact. 'Attack of the clones'. I'm not exactly flying through space right now or fighting off droids with a bright blue lightsaber. That happens when I'm asleep. Rather Its the whole clone part of the story.

Living where I do I am surrounded by tourists in the summer months. They arrive in droves with their bad manners and park anywhere attitude and annoy the hell out of everyone else. Whats worse though is the fact that everyone looks the same. They seem to wear the same clothes and have the same gormless look on their faces.

Being unique is a rarity nowadays and seems to be becoming a sin. Wear something different or listen to a "weird" kind of music and you get a "Burn him/her at the stake" attitude.

It stems from this need to conform and be classed. We're taught how to in school and are expected to keep it up until we're cold in our graves. I for one was absent when this lesson was taking place. I have never classed myself, I listen to the music I want to listen too, I enjoy the things I do and don't care what people think.

Everybodys different afterall. Everyone likes different things so why are people trying to fit into a mould that is two sizes two small. Its time to stand up and be unique.

So for those who are like me I applaud you. I would certainly have a coffee at Starbucks with you anyday.

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