Thursday 18 December 2008

Sex objects....and no I don't mean women.

Guess this will have to be a quick one but here goes....

I've noticed a drastic change in society. Sort of like the tables have turned. Basically if you switch on the television nowadays I can guarantee there'll be a half naked man on atleast one advert. Then there'll be a supposedly "typical" man whos an idiot. Anyone else noticed this? Basically the whole issue of which sex is better has come up again and this time the shoes on the other foot.

Its seems now that all men are good for is either too look at or be told what to do off they're wives. Now I forget but if it were the other way round wouldn't it be classed as sexism?

So anyway, i'm not a masculinist or anything but it just gets on my nerves that the women who produce these sort of adverts think two wrongs make a right. I've always been told it doesn't but hey, what do I know.

Starting to get really sick of it. Guess one good thing though, its made me realise what its like for the opposite sex to think that you're incompetent as hell.

So ladies, we get the picture. Stop these annoying adverts. I for one don't want to see a man in the nude. If I did I wouldn't be complaining.

Women are good at some things and men are good at others. Lets keep it at that.

Thursday 11 December 2008

Come and climb Everest. No experience necessary....

Right now I'm busy reading "Into thin air", a fantastically written book about the Everest disaster that claimed 8 lives in one day. This book basically raises an issue with the whole idea of the commercialisation of Everest and how it puts lives at risk.

So anyway, for the past three or four years I have wanted to climb K2. Its he second largest mountain in the world and is nicknamed "The mountain of mountains". Its thought by many to be the most difficult climb any mountaineer can attempt and kills one person for every four who summit. Basically, its the ultimate challenge.

Now if you were to ask me why I wanted to climb K2 I would basically have to answer with "I don't know". Theres just something that attracts me too the mountains and I've always fantasised about getting to the top of them. Its in my blood. Its incredibly tough, majorly dangerous, very expensive, cold, exhausting and scary when you think about it but honestly that does not scare me one bit. I'm also not an adrenaline junkie as most of you might think. Theres just a need in my heart to do it.

So back to the topic. Some of you may have asked to yourselves "Why not Everest? Surely thats big tough enough for you.". Well, you see, the thing about Everest is.........well it is a dangerous place to be with HACE, HAPE, AMS and all these other illnesses that can attack you and the threat of the weather turning against you.....oh and the issue of getting stuck in the death zone. Well anyway Everest is overrated. The only reason its so famous is not because of the severity of the climbing, its simply because its the highest. Not don't get me wrong, I am in no way saying its an easy climb, far from it. Its just anyone who knows about mountaineering realises that K2 (The savage mountain) is the one to beat. Its just that little bit more extreme.

So back to my moan for today. Nowadays Everest is more like a theme park ride than an extreme climb. People are taken up there like they are on a museum tour. I've got no problem with the idea of being guided its the fact that alot of the people who ascend Everest nowadays have never climbed before! They see it as a challenge to themselves whereas people like myself believe in gaining the relevant experience first and then attempting and have a love for the sport. I heard Gordon "Fucking" Ramsey was training up to give it a go. I mean, since when has he been known for his climbing skills.

Well anyway, these total amateurs should leave the true climbing to the pros and purists. The people out there who have a true love for the sport. The people who have dreamt since being a little kid of climbing any of the eight-thousanders. The people who don't need to be shown how to use crampons for this first time on the Khumbu Icefalls!!! (Basically for those not in the know, thats just above Everest base camp)

It should be like a job interview. Experience should count for everything. Otherwise it becomes dangerous and people die. Its not exactly a safe place to be up there on top of the world so why they let these morons try and climb it is beyond me.

Friday 5 December 2008

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA and a bit more hahahahahahaha.......

Time for another blog I feels.....

Many many days ago I was watching TV and an incredibly amusing show comes on about Health and Safety. "Boring" you say, well be prepared for a shock. This wasn't a show about how if you use a chainsaw you'll have a 100% chance of cutting off your own head. No this was a show about the Health and Safety inspectors.

Now bare with me here it gets a lot more interesting....

Now to be honest, I have never seen a man make me laugh as much as this one guy. First off, he told the reporter to be careful walking up the drive simply because there was a load of acorns on it. They act as a ball bearing you know? He also mentioned how he never used to be so interested in health and safety. Personally, I think they should stick a warning label on the boring old sod. Tell us to stay 100ft away at all times or you may die.

They should give him his own show. Simply because he cheers you up. You just can't stop laughing.

Fair play to him. Thats his job n all. But honestly, do you have to be so boring as too take pictures of scaffolding when you're on holiday in Italy? I rest my case.

These are the type of guys who ban conkers from school. I just hope one of them never goes to the Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling before I have a chance to have a go. See attached video: Oh how I want to roll, roll and roll some more .

Make way for the Fun Police!

Ah yes found a promo for the show. Sit back and prepare to cry....with laughter.

Make sure you watch both videos. Otherwise this post won't be very good at all.

Saturday 29 November 2008

Sunrise Sunset....Sunrise sunset.....SUNRISE SUNSET!!!!

To be honest, that title has nothing to do with this post.

So anyway I was watching this Drama on TV the other day. Its based on Chritianity and it got me thinking.....

When it comes to Religion I am agnostic pure and simple. I've thought long and hard about wether there is a God or wether there isn't and after much effort i've decided I just don't know. Kind of a waste of time since I started that way.

If you think about it this way. Since the Universe is 156 billion light years across I would like to know what happens when you reach the end. Do you hit some sort fo wall? Fall of a waterfall? Come out the other side like in Pacman? Well I for one do not know. And also. Whats outside the Universe? Is there just nothing? Blackness? More space? Or a pair of aliens playing marbles like MIB would have us believe? Well who knows.

What started the big bang off aswell? Thats probably the biggest question and one that remains unanswered.

So until there is strong eveidence towards an answer to these questions, I'm keeping an open mind.

I don't want to be worng afterall...

Tuesday 25 November 2008

I'm just that vain

Isn't it odd when you find yourself wanting to have bad eyesight just so you can wear glasses.

So yeah, thats what happened too me not so long ago. I found myself hoping I had a problem just so I could look a bit more fashionable and sophisticated. Jeez how pathetic. I actually found a pair I would loved to have purchased. A pair of white Armani's. God they were amazing but alas I'll have to take my perfect vision and suffer without.

Got them checked out and had no problems at all. Guess I should be happy but not being able to look even better is such a downer.

Some people just have all the luck


Monday 24 November 2008

You must be having a bath if you think you're half inchin' that...

After watching a few episodes of 'Little Britain: USA' I decided to see what the Americans thought of this sort of obscure humour. Its not for the faint of heart afterall. I took a peak at the page for it and came across a number of Americans complaining about a couple of British comedians faking American accents and making a social statement about the country. Guess they got a taste of their own medicine.

Whenever you watch an American TV show and theres a British character they are always either an upper class twit or a total cockney. I for one do not sound like either. I don't find myself going up the apple and pears or drinking a cup of Rosy lee as the Americans TV producers would have you believe.

I can think of another five English accents without even thinking about it. We have Gerodie, Northumbrian, West country, Brummie, Cornish, Yorkshire....I know thats six but the list goes on and on. Thats just England. Go to Scotland and every different city and area seems to have its own accent.

So Americans, take note. We British don't just speak the Queen's English and we don't speak Cockney instead. We have a diverse language full of accents from thousands of years of history not just the two you portray us as having.

Mind you I won't be complaining about the whole being sophisticated idea. Thats one area where you've hit the nail right on the head.

Oh and hello Steph

Peace out!

Sunday 16 November 2008

Call me Romeo

So i'm a romantic guy. More romantic than most if i'm brutally honest. I'll comeback to this in a minute.

I'm depressed about the fact that theres no romance left in this world anymore (told you I would). I bet alot of you will have just shouted out " What about valentines day?!?". In a way, valentines day is an excellent opportunity for men to brandish their wives or girlfriends with gifts. Its even better if your the owner of a massive card company. So back to my point. Shouldn't everyday be like that. Surly we men don't need a reminder to make the women in our lives feel special.

This gets my goat. What also gets it is the fact that theres no one going on dates anymore. Its now a case picking the girl you want and saying " Yep, you're my girlfriend now"

All women want is to feel loved and that they're all that matters to you and yet you have to be reminded to buy a measly card once a year. Tsk Tsk. Things need to change. Bigtime.